Antwi A. Akom, Ph.D. Co-Founder | Executive Director. Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, Ph.D. Co-founder | Director of Culturally & Community Responsive Curriculum Development and Teacher Training. Jeff Duncan-Andrade, Ph.D. Co-Founder | Director of Educational Equity |
Client List
Oakland - Downtown Specific Plan Berkeley, CA Newark, NJ Denver, CO Cleveland, OH Memphis, TN Location Oakland, CA Type Urban Planning Tags Community, Restorative, Justice, Equity, Planning, Public Interest, Technology, Communication |
Streetwyze was designed to bridge the gap between ‘top down’ geospatial data and ‘bottom up’ local knowledge in order to elevate the community voice for the world’s most vulnerable populations...The missing link in the data revolution is how to integrate official knowledge and local knowledge in ways that make data more valid, reliable, authentic and meaningful to everyday people in order to get at the truth or ground-truth," information about a place.
Professor Dr. Antwi Akom was invited to present at the White House-sponsored Frontiers Conference] hosted by President Barack Obama Oct. 13 at Carnegie Mellon University. It was one of President Obama’s final public conferences before the end of his term. Dr. Akom spoke about the “Streetwzye” [] platform an innovative new data tool designed to connect communities to opportunity in their neighborhoods. He is a nationally recognized leader in the field of social innovation, mobile tech, people powered place-making, human centered design, 21st century digital organizing, data visualization, health information communication technology, and health literacy for vulnerable populations.